Did you find a Stray Animal?

Thank you for looking out for the pet you have found! Below is a list of recommended steps to assist you in locating the family of the lost pet.

Contact the Owner

If the pet has any visible ID (tags, etc.) contact the owner. Look around the neighborhood and ask people if they have seen anyone searching for a missing pet. The first place owners look for their pet is the community, so it’s important to spread the word as someone may recognize the pet and be able to help you reunite them!

Research the Tags

You may use these resources to track down an owner based on the ID tags:  

Can be traced by emailing the ACCT Philly team at info@acctphilly.org

Rabies tags will have vet or shelter information on them – contact them with the tag number so they can contact the owner

If you have had the pet scanned for a microchip at a vet office, you can search the number on www.petmicrochiplookup.org to locate the phone number of the company that the chip is registered with. We’re happy to help with microchip follow up as well.

File a Found Pet Report

To file a Found Pet report with ACCT, you must submit your contact information and email address so that the owner may contact you if a match is made. Please keep in mind that you are required to hold the animal for 48 hours if they do not have a microchip and 10 days if they do have a microchip, and to give the pet back to the owner if an owner comes forward during that time frame. Additionally, remember not to jump to any conclusions about a pet’s owner based on the pet’s condition. Sometimes pets may have injuries or look matted and uncared for after having been out for a while, and it isn’t necessarily reflective of the care they received.

You may file a found pet report here http://www.acctphilly.org/foundpet/foundreport/

Post to Social Media and Similar Sites

Facebook is an incredible resource for owners. Post photos of the animal, information on where the animal was found, when the animal was found, if it has any identifying markings, tags, collars, etc. 

*Remember: Pets can travel a long distance in a short time. Don’t be skeptical if a person lost a pet far away from where it was found. Make sure to ask for proof of ownership (pictures or vet paperwork).

Bring animal to your local intake shelter

This should be your last resort if you are unable to contact the owner yourself. It is much better for the found animal to serve that stray hold in your home if possible! There is no legally required stray hold for cat.


Find your local intake shelter below:

Philadelphia County: ACCT Philly is the city shelter contracted to take in all stray animals of Philadelphia. 

Montgomery County: Conact Women’s Animal Center

NOTE: If you find a healthy stray cat, please leave it outside unless you are sure it is not an indoor/outdoor cat, or a cat from a cat colony. Please exhaust all other options for stray dogs before bringing them to the shelter.

Seriously ill or injured animals can be brought to your county shelter if the finder cannot hold onto the animal, or cannot seek outside medical care.