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We receive a lot of mail at Morris Animal Refuge, but every now and then, something truly special comes along. One of our all-time favorites is a letter from Roxie, formerly known as Dutchess. She’s such a clever and sweet pup that she decided to write to us about her new life with her family!

“To all my Friends at Morris:

Hi, it’s me, Roxie (formerly Dutchess)! I wanted to let you know how much I love my new family and home. Thank you for finding me such a wonderful place to live! My family was grieving the loss of their chihuahua, Rosco, who was with them for 17 years. I came into their lives just in time to help heal their hearts and bring them joy and love again.

I have three amazing sisters: Star, who’s the oldest and loves to relax; Bella, who looks just like me and could be my mini-me; and Alexia, who’s a tripod and my very best friend. We’re absolutely inseparable!

These past four months have been a blast! I’ve been enjoying belly rubs and watching people pass by from Mom and Dad’s window. People can’t help but exclaim, ‘OMG!’ when they see me.

P.S. I’m still not a fan of people wearing hats.

Say hi to JR for me!

Love always,
Roxie (a.k.a. Dutchess)

P.S. You can follow my adventures on my sister Alexia’s Instagram page @alexia_worldd.”

We’re so happy to hear that Roxie is thriving in her new home!